Participants will be required to 1) listen to learning topic videos and 2) to complete learning activities and associated Kahoot games on their own time but preferably before virtual forum dates. Student participants should note Amazon gift card delivery is based upon completion and submission of learning activity assignments and games. Virtual Forums will be in real-time or synchronous interactions from 3-5 p where we will answer participant questions and faculty will discuss portions of previously covered information.
Learning Module/Date | Topic | Learning Activities | Virtual Forums/Times | |
1 | 6/15 | 1) Historical Overview of Outdoor Air Pollution |
6/16 | 2) Historical Overview of Indoor Air Pollution |
6/17 | 3) USEPA Clean Air Act Overview and Six Criteria Pollutants |
2 | 6/18 | 1) The Environment at Risk |
6/19 | 2) Urban Air Pollution and Built Environment |
6/22 | 3) Adverse Health Effects from Air Pollution, Global Burden of Disease, and Reducing Air Pollution |
3 | 6/23 | 1) Water Quality and Microbiology |
6/24 | 2) Hazards of Consumer Products in the Environment |
6/25 | 3) Toxicity Testing and Responsible Conduct in Research |
4 | 6/26 | 1) Workplace Health and Safety |
6/29 | 2) Health is a Human Right and Environmental Justice |
6/30 | 3) Climate Change |
Learning Activity Description
1 Natural Assignment – This activity would involve participants to use their phones to search or Google air pollution and related topics, read, and briefly summarize (3-5 sentences) the first article they find. After this assignment, participants will be invited to share summaries and foster discussion within the end of the week forum.
2 Scavenger Hunt – This activity would involve participants to find and take a picture of at least five potential sources of indoor/outdoor air pollution in their home and answer some questions that will be provided by the instructor. The picture and information would be placed on one PowerPoint slide and the participants will then submit the slide to the designated Dropbox discussion within the Environmental health forum. Participants will be encouraged to reach out to other participants to obtain additional pollution sources that may have within photos taken prior to the pandemic.
3 Criteria Pollutant Worksheet (Partnered/Group Assignment) – This activity would involve participants to select (or be assigned) to one of the 6 criteria pollutants and do research/answer questions using EPA website and other reputable sources and be prepared to discuss during the next discussion forum.
4 Air Quality Index Assignment – Instructor would provide a handout of instructions of how to navigate EPA’s AQI website ( and how to obtain archived maps of AQI/PM/Ozone levels from various years and in different regions. There will also be a demonstration during the module to show how to do the assignment. Participants will then be given different scenarios to compare such as (e.g. how different U.S. regions’ air quality is affected over the same year, comparing different years to the same area to see how it has changed, compare PM to ozone levels during different seasons, etc.). They will then be instructed how to create Excel bar graphs that will be labeled according to AQI air quality colors. This activity will provide not only research skills in navigating a government website but also provide graphing skills that will be beneficial and in accordance with Georgia High School Science Standards presented in Table 1 of the Proposed Research Education Program.
5 Air Monitoring/Built Environment Activity – Design a study using air monitoring in non-traditional settings (1 paragraph summary) that may be guided with information from learning module, EPA guidance such as IAQ instructions and instructor questions to address in narrative.
6 Lung Disease Assignment – Participants will be assigned a particular lung disease/be able to select from list including: Asthma, COPD, Lung Cancer, Silicosis, etc. and provide summaries on how air pollution causes these conditions and who is most affected.
7 Household and Consumer Products Assignment – Participants would be instructed to find 3 household items (1 personal care product, 1 cleaning product, and 1 aerosolized product, such as air deodorizers) and take pictures of the ingredients labels of each. Participants will submit the information to a secure file folder then participants will research one or two of the chemicals listed on the ATSDR portal (, or any other reputable websites and write down which chemicals are a potential health hazard and why. This will be followed with an online discussion and analysis of any common trends between products/brands.
8 How Safe is Your Job? Assignment – Participants will select a job or occupation that they believe will have inhalation risks due to dangerous exposures (e.g. coal miners, farmers) or one they are interested in pursuing. Participants will then have to perform an internet research on the occupation and its associated exposures/risks and summarize information. Participants will be required to report at least one journal article they used to obtain information and report the findings. They also may report statistics relating to disease prevalence of individuals within that occupation, reflect on any surprising information (such as lower/higher health risk that they thought), and potential ways they can reduce exposure/mitigate risk – proper use of masks and gloves (e.g. PPE).
9 Online Debate 1 – An environmental justice prompt (specifically with susceptible populations in mind- topic would be related to COVID-19 or climate change) will be given for a debate topic a week before it is due and participants will be assigned to one of two sides of the debate (two groups). Clear instructions will be given/posted and participants will be required to prepare opening arguments, strong argument points, rebuttals, and closing statements using evidence from literature/other reputable sources. Participants may also present visuals that may help them in furthering their case.
10Final Video Group Project or Infographic – The final video project will be a 5-minute video on an environmental issue (preferably regarding air or water quality) and will serve as a Public Service Announcement to the community or public. There can be an established target audience (such as residents of a certain geographical location, parents, occupational workers) and coverage of the issue (background and importance). Skits or humor are encouraged and may serve to help develop skills for career development. Similarly, an infographic of the same information could be prepared.